CMC is renowned for our modern-day liturgies which connect traditions with the young people of today.
Our 2023 CMC liturgy themed “Ignite the fire within” inspired students to be involved in practical, hands-on ways of providing service.
It was represented through the lighting of the new CMC candle, a centre-piece art installation with golden streamers flowing in the wind symbolizing the movement of flames, joyful CMC choir and musicians, and our neon coloured theme. Founders’ Day events followed including face painting, dunk the teacher/student, giant chess, Jenga, petting zoo, and house ‘tug of war.’
Students relaxed on giant bean bags or danced along with our talented music ensembles and rock band. Our admirable St Vincent de Paul volunteer students and staff provided lunch, snow cones were on the menu along with our CMC baked sweets!
Thank you to the staff, students and community who made our 2023 Founders’ Day an event to remember!

© Brisbane Catholic Education, Clairvaux Mackillop College, (2023).