How to Apply for Enrolment Application
Clairvaux MacKillop College is a great place to learn and grow. Generous hospitality and welcome are hallmarks of our thriving learning community. Ours is a friendly place built on a deep respect for each person – their innate goodness, their learning potential, their unique capacity to be good for the world
We accept applications for students in Year 3 and onwards for entry into Year 7.
Apply Online
You may apply for enrolment through our Online Enrolment Application by clicking the following link below:
To complete your child's enrolment, you will need to pay the non-refundable application fee of $90 per student and provide copies of the following documents:
Completed online application form
Birth Certificate (original to be sighted by Clairvaux MacKillop College staff)
Baptismal Certificate (if baptised, original certificate to be sighted by Clairvaux MacKillop College staff)
Enrolment Information Form
Two most recent school reports and last NAPLAN results (as applicable)
Relevant medical information, including clinical/educational assessments (if applicable)
If noted in your application:
Legal Documentation
Medical Action Plan/Individual Education Plan (IEP)
Student Specialist Assessments
Passport & Visa copy
Australian Citizenship – if student born overseas or if both parents are born overseas.
Application Fee
A non-refundable $90 application fee applies when you submit your Application for Enrolment. We accept payments in cash, cheque, money order, EFTPOS or credit card over the telephone or in person to the College Office.
The following outlines the enrolment process:
Please note: The following criteria are used to review enrolments:
Baptised Catholic siblings from other Catholic schools.
Baptised Catholic siblings from non-Catholic schools.
Baptised Catholics from Catholic schools.
Baptised Catholics from non-Catholic schools.
Non-Catholic siblings from Catholic schools.
Non-Catholic siblings from non-Catholic schools
Non-Catholics from Catholic schools
Non-Catholics from non-Catholic schools
Enrolments are welcomed up to 3 years in advance with interviews and offers being made predominantly in Year 5. Enrolment interviews take place predominately during Terms 2 and 3.
Please promptly advise the college if you have any changes to your postal or email addresses or telephone numbers.
After the enrolment interview, offers of placement are made to successful families requesting:
Please note: The return of the confirmation agreement and payment before the due date will secure your child's place at Clairvaux MacKillop College.
Enrolment Application and Support Procedure (EASP) for students requiring supported enrolment:
This process seeks to reveal and clarify the needs of the student and to identify the educational adjustments required to access learning. Adjustments are made for students with a disability to enable them to access the curriculum, achieve curriculum outcomes and participate in school life on the same basis as their peers. An adjustment is any change made to help a student participate at school, learn, and be comfortable and safe.
The Enrolment Application and Support Procedure may also be used to support the enrolment of students who have been identified as gifted. Further information on supported enrolment at Brisbane Catholic Education (BCE) schools is available on the BCE website via the link: Students & Parents
If you have any questions or need assistance with the enrolment of your child, please do not hesitate to contact the Enrolment Registrar on 3347 9223 or email:
Enrolment Application and Support Procedures for Students Requiring Significant Educational Adjustments
EASP for students requiring significant educational adjustments - Parent legal guardian brochure.pdfEnrolment Information Form
Please click on the below link to open the document. Complete the parent section, save the document in your child's name and then email it to your child's current teacher/school to be completed. Alternatively, you may download & print the document, complete the parent section and then forward it to your child's school for completion. This information will assist with your child's transition should you be successful in securing a position with us. Please follow up with the current school to ensure that they have emailed or posted this information to the College before the interview process.
CMC Enrolment Information Form -by Current School 18 03 25.pdf
Enrolment Interview
Our Enrolment Registrar will contact you to advise of the interview process.
Offer of a Place
If your application is successful, we will mail you a Confirmation of Enrolment form including additional documentation to be completed in order to accept the offer. An enrolment fee will be required to secure your child's place at the College.
Confirmation of Enrolment Forms
Please complete and email to
Clairvaux MacKillop College Confirmation of Enrolment Form.pdf
Clairvaux MacKillop College Enrolment Confirmation - Additional Contact Person Form.pdf![]()