Academic Excellence

Clairvaux MacKillop College has a strong history of academic excellence. There is an extensive array of groups and clubs for students who enjoy extending their skills and collaborating within the exciting aerospace industry, STEM and other academic fields. Clairvaux MacKillop College reviews and renews its programs ongoingly to meet the contemporary needs of its students.
The College offers a variety of ​co-curricular Science and Technology opportunities including:​
  • Opti-MINDSa creative problem-solving event where participants experiment with ideas in teams as they endeavour to produce and present their best possible solution to multiple challenges. 
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Picture above: ​​Clairvaux MacKillop College won the 2023 Opti-MINDS State Science Engineering Category (Div II) and
won the State C​hampionship T​rophy
  • STEM Ambassador Group - these ambassadors ​​spanning all year levels, fuelled by a passion for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, dedicate their lunch break to learn how they can assume leadership roles in advocating for STEM both within our College and the broader local comm​u​nity. Through partnership​s with Griffith University's Science on the GO! events and the development of tailored STEM plans for ou​r College, our ambassadors are poised to make a meaningful impact on the STEM landscape, both locally and beyond.​
  • The challenging Australian National Titration Competition organised by the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI). The state competition is held at the University of Queensland.
  •  Griffith University’s STEM Program about SPASE Exploration (SPASE 2.0). This prestigious program, now in its second iteration, elevates our students’ scientific prowess to new heights. In an Australian-​first, students from Clairvaux MacKillop College and 10 other secondary college​​​s across South-East Queensland will work with the space industry’s brightest to build and launch a satellite into space, as part of a unique educational program, developed by Griffith University!  With the program’s extension to develop a larger satellite in 2024, ​and our students tasked with creating an application to track its movement in Lower Earth O​rbit, the possibilities for exploration and discovery are limitless!

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    Picture above: ​​Clairvaux MacKillop College students' SPASE suit in the 2023 program

    Other academic opportunities include:​​​
  • ​​Debating teams ​
  • ​Chess Club​​​
  • ​​Robotics Club and Robotics VEX Competition ​​​

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    Pictured above: Students preparing for the VEX Robotics competition
  • Australian Mathematics Competition
  • Lord Mayor's Young Environmental Leadership Network
​​​​​ © Brisbane Catholic Education, Clairvaux Mackillop College, (​​2023).​​​​