Instrumental Music and Ensemble Program


Our College offers students the opportunity to be involved in a variety of ensemble groups. These groups perform at a number of events including College Assembly, Queensland Catholic Musical Festival (QCMF), Music showcase, Eisteddfods, Liturgies throughout the year, Mission week.

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Ensemble groups:
​Brass Ensemble ​
​Flute Choir
​String Ensemble 
​Celtic Ensemble *
​Concert Band
​Stage Band
​​Jazz Band *
​Soul Band *
​Rock Band​ *
​Music Ministry *
​CMC Singers (audition choir)
Chamber Ensemble *
​​* Auditions
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With such an extensive number of ensembles a rehearsal schedule is paramount.  A full schedule is located on our Parent Portal.


© Brisbane Catholic Education, ​Clairvaux Mackillop College, 2023.​